Monday, March 12, 2007

Houdini has done it again! this is a re-enactment, but after picking up Grace from grandma's house she loaded herself in the car and hit the lock button; not knowing how she did it! Now, if you hadn't heard the story from just a month or so ago, Grace also managed to lock herself in grandma's house after they went out to get the mail together! So, after several phone calls and attempts to get her to push the right buttons, she managed to set off the alarm-which made her cry-which made Tread cry. A neighbor got the spare key from Audrey at the house and delivered it to us...only to find out she was given the WRONG spare key! I was blocking grandma's van in the garage, so she managed to back out over her curbing and onto the front lawn to run home and get the right key. Needless to say, we showed her how to unlock the car and put her back in it to test her knowledge!

1 comment:

ej said...

Love the re-enactment! You need a disclaimer 'no child was hurt in the making of this blog'! Ha ha! Good thinking to have her practice, I never thought of that. Question is, should I wait until they lock themselves in to teach them, or teach them now and hope they don't misuse the information!?