We do however, have a great story!
Unfortunately, alcohol was allowed into this event where at least 50% of the audience is children. We "lucked out" and had a row of twenty-something idiots sitting in front of us.
The one sitting in front of Chase passed out in his chair and ended up resting his head on Chase's lap! After asking his buddies to take care of him, they started poking him, laughing at him and eventually...taking his picture. (Thanks guys!) After security escorted these no so gentle-men out of the stadium, we had the "alcohol" discussion with the kids.
So, after Tread went back to preschool, "Conner" was telling his teachers that he went to the monster trucks and how they crashed the cars and were loud and breathing fire! Tread on the other hand explained to the teachers and Conner that there was ALCOHOL there. That seemed to be his only focus. The conversation went on from there like this...
Conner: "No there wasn't!"
Tread: "Yes there was...I saw it! It was in cups and it was yellow!"
Conner: "That wasn't alcohol, that was Budweiser!"
Needless to say, Tread's preschool teachers were on the floor and informed me that Conner knew a little too much about a lot of things!
Ahhhh, I had the best belly laugh from this post! Drinking and big machinery don't mix...nothing new there! :)
ONe of these years I am going to go to the truck show and I will make sure I sit by you guys. All the excitment happens around the Christensens. Cindy
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