Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Recreation Time

During a trip to the Rec center, Ryan took Audrey over to the dee pool to try out the rope swing. Hi Tarzan!

Audrey gave it a try but her feet got caught in some quicksand.

The boys found the baby pool to be the warmest and played a game where they would be at opposite sides of the pool and then ram each other with their boards...

Poor Tread usually ended up on the bottom!

Grace just stayed out of the way!


amber dawn said...

Catching a summer breeze... sounds like a good time!

ej said...

The rope swing reminds me of the time I was at a water park and you could stand on this rocky ledge and use the rope swing to jump into the water. Through a series of unfortunate events- mainly an aborted trick at the last second- I was still holding onto the rope when it swung me back into the wall of rock...ouch. I must have looked like a cartoon as I wacked the wall and then slowly scraped down it into the water. Your way looks much safer :)

Becca & Joel said...

Aaawwwwwww! I totally miss the rec center! I loved my water aerobics class in that pool! I'm so jealous of you guys!