Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Grace was so excited for her birthday she was singing "Happy Birthday to Me!"
We had a "Summertime" theme to prepare for what lie ahead...
We were sure to have lots of balloons because that is one of Grace's favorite things!
This was actually a Winnie the Pooh cake without the Pooh!
It took a few trys but eventually she got them all out!


ej said...

I love the rainbow theme, it is so cheery and feels like a party. I know some would disagree but I think that the cake is better without Poo. :)

shellydinger said...

Sheila - Have you ever thought of party planning as a career? It looks like a blast. Mom couldn't stop telling me how great it was!

shellydinger said...

Oh and thank you for posting again! I cringed every time I checked for an update and had to look at that spider and fly!

Sheila said...

Actually I have thought that would be a really fun career! Planning parties and weddings and spending someone else's money! However, it would take up all my weekends! Maybe when my kids are grown... And sorry I fell off the blog wagon for a little while. Life got to crazy to spend time on dial up! (C'mon Ryan!)