Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Grace still has a hard time sleeping in her own bed. We put her there, but every morning is a guess as to who's bed she ends up in. I caught her in Tread's bed last night playing with stuffed animals. After I put her down this particular night, she had gotten up and snuck into Audrey's room (because she knows Audrey will give in) and this is how Ryan found them. They were apparently keeping each other warm because they had all the covers kicked off. Sleep tight girls!


Kristin said...

This picture is so sweet!

amber dawn said...

Better Audrey's than yours I guess! It's fun for sisters to share a room... think Audrey will give in to that? ;)

ej said...

Hilarious- though partly because no one was in my bed who wasn't supposed to be :) So cute.