Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Starting the Year with a "BANG"!

For those that were home and not sick we threw a New Years Eve Party!

We had some great rounds of Catch Phrase & Mad Gab!

We also started our own new Rockband! "Bleached Black". I was going for "Dirty Laundry" but it was already taken! Ryan and I have been up until all hours of the night playing this game. I have traded the microphone in for the guitar and Audrey rocks on the drums!

Sarah and Kaitlin decided to give it a try!

Sommer started her year off with a BANG!


Sarah said...

New Years Eve really was a blast! I've gotta say, Sommer's picture is by far one of my favorites! Thanks for letting me come party.

amber dawn said...

Wow you decorated and everything! Looks like you had a fabulous time. Looking forward to hearing from Bleached Black when I come down!

Kristin said...

Looks like you had a great time....you always have the best parties! Happy New Year!!