Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting to know you...

So we all know I have kids and a job but do you want to know what I do with the remainder of my time? PRIMARY! We had a "Get To Know Your Teacher" breakfast and had a great turnout. We played some games and ate and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves. The teachers each brought some things about themselves to spotlight and then played a game with the kids to get to know them. We had muffins, fruit, bagels, yogurt, juice, hot chocolate, cider and don't forget the doughnuts! We cut everything in half so it wouldn't go to waste. It was the easy route when feeding 100 kids!


shellydinger said...

That is such an amazing idea. I'm glad you had such a great turn out of teachers :)

amber dawn said...

Great idea to have the teachers bring something. Our ward had the kids bring something.