Monday, March 17, 2008


Picture this: Grandma Nona's birthday, Tread is signing her card (at the bottom) and forgot to put the "a" in his name. I looked at it and then showed the card to him and said "Tread, what is wrong with your name." After looking at it he realized he forgot the "a" and so I said, "That's OK, give it to Grace to she can sign it." Tread immediately starting crying big crocodile tears. After asking him what was wrong he replied, "I don't want Grandma to call me "TREED!" So he signed it again (above) so that she would pronounce his name correctly. What a funny kid!


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ej said...

My freshman yr of h.s. my bff and I's code word for getting kissed was getting 'treed'- I can't remember why but I remember being obsessed about making it happen- Tread must have wanted nothing to do with getting kissed :)can't blame him.

Audrey said...

Tread is so funny! I wish I could have seen it! Treed? What will he think of next???